Wedding season is here which means the Hen party and Stag party is in full swing. For some (matron of honour and best man) this can be a real headache trying to find the perfect theme that every one is happy to do. So lets get the Hen's to shine and the Stag well.. have a laugh with our top 10 ideas for 2016.
1. Go super colourful with a Rio Carnival theme to coincede with the Olympics in Brazil. Think glitter, sequins, head dresses, masks, feathers and more sequins!
2. Vintage ladies, bright lippy, cardigans and tea dresses and the must have hats and handbags.
3. Get into the groove 80's style. Madonna, Duran Duran, Adam and the Ants,Miami Vice the list is endless..
4. Retro. Everyone has a piece of retro in their wardrobe whether they like to admit it or not! Dancing queens, paisley shirts,118 runners and the most awesome platforms available to buy and hire.
5. Spice Girls/Pop stars. So many looks but go for iconic groups or go for one look to really stand out. Available to hire
6.Top Gun As long as you can stand singing 'Lost that Lovin' feeling' all night you will be ok.
7. 1920's flappers and gangsters. Tommy guns, spats, cigarette holders, head dress and feather boa's. Hire and buy.
8. Star wars. All the stags wear Jedi cloaks (hire from £15) or go as storm troopers. The stag could be Yoda or Darth Vader. Don't forgot the light sabres..
9. Peaky Blinders and World War 1 street gangs. Think flat caps, vintage waistcoats, braces and plenty of cor blimeys. Waistcoats to hire from £15, flat caps from £6 to hire and items to buy from £2.50
10. My personal favourite and takes the top 10 spot is Alice in Wonderland. Let the Hen take the centre stage and the hens can be all white rabbits. Love it!
Enjoy the parties!